Sunday 21 January 2007

New Year – New Events

Following a successful launch of Moordown Baptist Church Men’s Group, at the end of 2006, a calendar of events has been planned for 2007. We have managed to mix the style of events in the hope that, over the year, as many men as possible will attend at least one event: Go-Karting, Sea Fishing, Meals, Family BBQ and Walk and a Pub Quiz.

Our next event is Go-Karting on Monay 26th February at Matcham’s Leisure Park, Hurn Road Personally, I am really looking forward to this one, as I know many others are too. We have a maximum of 40 places – this may not be enough!! Hopefully we will not have to turn anyone away.

This is an outreach event, so please consider prayerfully who you will invite to join us for this exciting event. Even if you are not attending, we would greatly appreciate your prayer support for the planning, organisation, safety, boldness when inviting guests and, most importantly, the power of the Holy Spirit being at work.

Calendars and invites for this specific event are available. Please e-mail us to request copies.

We operate an e-mail list to keep people informed of the latest news and upcoming events. If you would like to be added to this list, or if you want more information about this group and the events planned, please e-mail us.

Men’s Group
… to introduce as many men as possible, in the Bournemouth area, to the good news of Jesus Christ.

God Bless